17.9.9. Host Mapper

Host Mapper helps you in defining a host name with the trap IP address. This hostname reflects as a column in the trap menu.

Host Mappers

Host Mapper List

DNS resolved in Trap menu

Trap output with hostname column Create New Host Mapper

Click on the ‘Actions’ button to Create a new Host Mapper entry. A popup opens up for you to create entry. You can add entry in two ways:

  • Upload CSV: You can enter bulk entries through a CSV file. For this, use a 2 column CSV file. In the first column, mention all the IP addresses. In second column, type all the hostname. System will match the IP and hostname row wise and import it into the system. You can also download the provided Sample CSV to avoid mismatches. Note: Don’t create a header in CSV file.

Add Host Mapper

Add Host Mapper using upload csv

  • Create: Here you can perform a Single entry by adding IP Address and Host Name in respective columns.

Add Host Mapper

Add Host Mapper Edit and Delete Host Mapper

You can edit the host name in the DNS entry. Click on the button to edit the entry and button to delete the entry.

Edit DNS Entry

Edit DNS Entry